Agardhfjellet Formation

The Agardhfjellet Formation is a geologic formation in Norway. It preserves fossils dating back to the Tithonian to Berriasian stages, spanning the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous boundary. The formation contains the Slottsmøya Member, a highly fossiliferous unit where many ichthyosaur, plesiosaur and pliosaur fossils have been found.


The formation overlies the Knorringfjellet Formation and is overlain by the Rurikfjellet Formation. The formation comprises the lower Oppdalsåta and upper Slottsmøya Members The sediments comprise mudstones, dolomites and shales deposited in an open to deep marine low oxygen environment. The Slottsmøya Member, which averages in thickness in the study area, consists of dark-grey to black silty mudstone, often weathering to paper shale, and discontinuous silty beds with local occurrences of red to yellowish sideritic concretions as well as siderite and dolomite interbeds.

Fossil content

The formation, and especially the Slottsmøya Member, has provided the following fossils:


