Agosti Xaho

Augustin Chaho in French or Agosti Xaho in Basque was an important Romantic Basque writer. He was born in Tardets, Soule, French Basqueland on 10 October 1811 and died in Bayonne, Labourd 23 October 1858. It is usually said that he studied in Paris with Charles Nodier.
He wrote Travel to Navarre during the insurrection of the Basques , The Legend of Aitor and Azti-Begia.
He was a republican supporter, and became councillor in Bayonne and the Basses-Pyrénées department. He headed the revolution of 1848 in Bayonne. After the Bonapartist coup of 1851, he escaped to Vitoria, in Alava, Spanish Basqueland.