Agreement for Change

Agreement for Change is a Venezuelan coalition created on June 21, 2018 by former 2018 presidential candidate and Chavismo defector Henri Falcón. The coalition initially integrated seven political parties opposed to the government of Nicolás Maduro. The alliance is committed to what they call the "democratic route" through mechanisms such as voting, dialogue, peaceful protests and the rejection of foreign intervention.



On June 21, 2018, Progressive Advance leader and former 2018 presidential candidate Henri Falcon, announced the creation of the alliance, composed of the political parties and movements who supported his candidacy in the recent presidential elections of May 2018. Falcon said that there was separated from the Democratic Unity Roundtable - a coalition in which militated since 2010 - but it is "deviated from its path," claiming that his coalition will follow the electoral "route". He also said that his platform will present proposals to the country in the face of the current crisis it faces.
The alliance presented its economic proposals by integrating wage dollarization.


Columnist Ascension Reyes from El Nacional said an internal crisis deepens in the Democratic Unity Roundtable coalition, and the creation of Concertación means another division.

Parties and movements

Among the political parties and movements that make up this coalition are:



According to Efecto Cocuyo news portal, out of 80 municipals that had the opposition previously held now remains with 10 following the 9 December 2018 elections.