
Aiir is technology company headquartered in New York City, that provides online services and products to broadcast radio stations.
Founded in the UK where it is the largest supplier of its kind, Aiir operate services for radio stations worldwide including website content management and hosting, mobile applications for iOS and Android, and studio interaction.
Companies using their platform include Celador, Wireless Group Bauer Radio, Lincs FM Group, Jazz FM and Quidem.
The company was founded in 2003 by Ricki Lee and Gav Richards, both former radio professionals.
In 2009 Aiir became the preferred provider to Independent Radio News in delivering their digital content to UK radio stations. During 2010 and early 2011 the company also played part in the launch of UK Radioplayer and developed the first independent radio station player console for Juice 107.2 in Brighton. In 2013 they were commissioned to produce the 3rd iteration of the Radioplayer product, which is now in use worldwide.
On 28 April 2015, the company and platform rebranded from G Media to Aiir.
It was announced on 27 April 2016 that the company had signed a deal with Premiere Networks for US and international distribution.
The company previously had offices in Sheffield, UK and in New York City, USA, but since January 2017 has considered itself a remote working company with employees choosing to work either from home or coworking spaces.