Air-One Emergency Response Coalition
The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition supports agencies who provide air support to law enforcement, emergency management and fire/EMS agencies in Illinois, United States. Known by their "Air-One" call sign, the helicopters are called upon by agencies who would otherwise not have air support capabilities available. Air-One is a not-for-profit, 5013, charitable organization, managed and staffed by volunteers from the aviation, law enforcement, emergency management and fire-rescue sectors. As the founding and coordinating agency, the Winthrop Harbor Police Department provides 24-hour dispatch services for all of the Air-One helicopters.
The coalition began in 2003 with a privately owned Eurocopter EC135 helicopter. The aircraft was made available at no cost to the Winthrop Harbor Police Department for law enforcement operations. With the blessing of the Winthrop Harbor Mayor and Village Board of Trustees, a program was created to offer this service to other agencies, without cost to requesting agencies or Winthrop Harbor taxpayers.Pilots and tactical flight officers from Police and Sheriff Departments came together and trained, all as volunteers. The volunteers responded to call-outs for air support, including searching for lost persons, assisting with felonies in progress, and life-saving rescues over Lake Michigan and in New Orleans.
The Law Enforcement Aviation Coalition, Inc. was incorporated in 2005 as a not-for-profit, 5013, charitable organization, for the purpose of assisting in the operation of the service.
Plans were soon underway to obtain surplus helicopters through a U.S. Department of Defense program, and to make the service available at no-cost to law enforcement and fire/rescue agencies. Through the Board of Directors, and the Illinois Law Enforcement Support Office, three Bell OH-58 and one Bell UH-1V surplus Army helicopters have been obtained by Illinois law enforcement agencies. One Bell HH-1N has been obtained by a Wisconsin law enforcement agency.
In September 2011, the organization name changed to Air-One Emergency Response Coalition.
As of August 2018, all of Air-One's aircraft have been grounded and are in the process of being distributed to other agencies, due to a lack of funding for maintenance, training, and storage fees.
Board of directors
Air-One is governed by a board of directors. Directors include heads of public service agencies, business leaders and aviation professionals. There are committees for finance, operations, safety, personnel and community relations.Structure
The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition maintains a structure of positions and rank combining aviation and law enforcement components. The ranks of Ground Support Officer through Pilot In Command are based on proficiency and promotional testing; Senior officers are appointed by the board of directors.- Director of Operations: overseer of the entire organization. Reports directly to the Board of Directors.
- Unit Commander: Overseer of day-to-day operations and activities. Reports directly to the D/O.
- Director of Safety: overseer of operational safety training and the organization's Safety Program.
- Director of Maintenance: overseer of all airframe and power plant mechanics. Also responsible for parts inventory, regular and unscheduled maintenance, and airworthiness of the aircraft.
- Director of Community Relations: overseer of Community Relations including public events, corporate events, and media communications.
- Chief Pilot: overseer of all Pilots, Ground Support Officers and Tactical Flight Officers.
- Pilot in Command : pilot who has completed training and qualification for a particular aircraft. On a mission, one pilot is designated PIC, and is responsible for the safety of the aircraft and crew, and responsible for the actual flying of the aircraft. To be considered for application as an Air-One PIC, candidates are required to have a minimum of 1,500 flight hours in rotorcraft, a minimum of 250 flight hours in turbine powered rotorcraft, a commercial rotorcraft pilot rating, an instrument rotorcraft pilot rating, and an FAA Class II medical certificate.
- Senior Tactical Flight Officer : overseer of all Tactical Flight Officers regardless of training status. The S/TFO also suggests and implements training programs of other TFOs, and when assigned to a mission crew acts as TFO.
- Tactical Flight Officer : Tactical Flight Officers act as crew chief on the helicopter, and are responsible for the aircraft, its safety, and the safety of those on board. While on the ground the TFO maintains a safe landing zone, keeps bystanders away from aircraft, and communicates between ground crews and the PIC. While airborne, the TFO is responsible for safety of the helicopter in regards to observing for hazards including other aircraft. To reach TFO status, the member must have completed TFO training to the satisfaction of the S/TFO, Chief Pilot, Director of Safety, and Unit Commander on a particular aircraft and in all positions within that aircraft. The TFO operates the FLIR, NightSun and public service radios during mission operations. TFO's who are in training advance through three levels, TFO3, TFO2 and finally TFO1.
- Ground Support Officer Ground Support Officers are non flight positions. GSO's are involved in all ground aspects of the operation such as hangar duties, refueling, landing zone support, etc.
- Community Relations Volunteer Community Relations Volunteer's are members of the public who may not qualify for an operational position, but still wish to assist the Coalition. CRVs are assigned duties to help publicize the Coalition such as helping at events, setting up and manning display booths.
Base of operations
The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition is coordinated by the , and all calls for service are routed through the WHPD 24/7 Dispatch Center.The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition has aircraft positioned in two geographical areas. N79PD is located at the Police Aviation Hangar at Waukegan, UGN, Illinois airport. N79PD provides primary support for the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin areas.
N92PD is located at Rockford, Illinois Airport, and is primarily responsible for the Western Illinois area.
A third helicopter, N62PD is being renovated and will be staged in the Stephenson County, Illinois area
Mission types
The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition flies missions that mostly respond to calls for assistance or air support from a local agency or department. Before being advised of the type of mission, the Unit Commander and/or Chief Pilot review current weather, manpower and resource availability.Missions that are flown by LEAC include:
- Missing persons including children, elderly, people with disabilities and/or medical illnesses
- Disaster assistance and relief
- Searches of rural or residential areas
- Missing or overdue watercraft
- SWAT support and/or deployment
- Vehicular or foot pursuits
- Class-X felonies in progress
Completed missions
- Suicidal Subject - Winthrop Harbor, Illinois
- *A search of a residential area was conducted to locate a subject with a gun that was reported as suicidal.
- Missing Persons – Kenosha, Wisconsin
- *A 16 –year old female with medical and psychological problems was reported missing and was located by LEAC within 10 mins of notification.
- Missing Boat – Lake Michigan, Kenosha, Wisconsin
- *A search of Lake Michigan 3–5 miles off shore resulted in an overdue boat being found by LEAC. The position of the boat was relayed to the United States Coast Guard whom then completed a water rescue.
- Missing Person – Lake Michigan, Waukegan, Illinois
- *Search patterns were completed just off shore from the Waukegan Beach. An underwater object was identified and divers were directed to the location. The victim of a drowning was located shortly thereafter.
- Disaster Relief– Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Mississippi
- *Being one of the first law enforcement helicopters on location in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina had struck, and the only one with Night Vision capabilities, LEAC evacuated of hospital patients from a makeshift landing pad, and completed more than 70 residential rooftop rescues.
- Support – Hurricane Rita, Houston, Texas
- *In light of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, LEAC was requested to Houston in support of Hurricane Rita. After the hurricane passed, LEAC missions checked damage to dams, hospitals and other critical locations.
Aircraft and equipment
- N79PD is a Bell OH-58 Kiowa helicopter registered to the Winthrop Harbor Police Department, and has been repainted and retrofitted with high skids and mission equipment. N79PD's home airport is Kenosha Airport.
- N92PD is a Bell OH-58 Kiowa helicopter registered to the Byron Police Department, and has been repainted and retrofitted with mission equipment. N92PD's home base is Rockford Airport.
- N62PD is a Bell OH-58 Kiowa helicopter registered to the Stephenson County Sheriff's Office. It was received from the DoD in January, 2007. Refurbishment and equipment additions are underway. N62PD will be outfitted with communications equipment that will allow it to operate as an airborne command and control unit during the course of a natural disaster or multiple agency incident. The equipment will provide the capability of linking various radio systems into one flow of communication.
- N67PD is a Bell UH-1V Huey helicopter registered to the Winthrop Harbor Police Department. Refurbishment has included paint and avionics upgrades. The addition of specialized rescue, communications and mapping equipment will occur as funding becomes available.
- N88SD is a Bell HH-1N twin-engine Huey helicopter registered to the Kenosha County Sheriffs Office. This twin-turbine powered, heavy lift helicopter was received from the DoD in March 2011. The addition of specialized rescue, communications and mapping equipment, in addition to refurbishment of avionics, paint and airframe components, will occur as funding becomes available.
All aircraft operated for Air-One missions are crewed by members of Air-One, who are trained first responders from public service agencies.
The Air-One Emergency Response Coalition mission equipment includes police capable radios, LoJack receivers, night visions goggles, forward looking infra-red and Night Sun search lights.
Retired aircraft
- N255MK was a privately owned Bell 430 helicopter. N255MK was equipped with law enforcement equipment and markings that supported its role with the Air-One fleet and flew many missions, with its last being support of an armed standoff in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
- N255MK was a privately owned Eurocopter EC-135 helicopter. N255MK was equipped with law enforcement equipment and markings to support its role with the Air-One fleet.
Crew and/or passengers are prohibited from carrying mace, pepper spray and/or tasers onto any Air-One aircraft.
Air-One crew members train a minimum of once a week to learn and review tactics, maintain proficiency on the aircraft and to review operating policies and procedures.Weekly training sessions consist of aircraft familiarization, learning new flight tactics, and implementing new equipment and/or technologies. Air-One has conducted in-service training with other agencies such as the United States Coast Guard, Flight for Life, and various local police departments and SWAT teams.
Prior to being assigned to Pilot in Command, Air-One pilots are required to have a minimum number of flight hours in a given aircraft, must maintain a FAA Class II medical and attend the manufacturer's ground school. From that point, Air-One pilots are required to pass an internal examination and proficiency test, and must then attend a minimum number of weekly training sessions to maintain flight status.
Air-One tactical flight officers are bought on as trainees, and then after completion of the basic training program, an internal examination and proficiency test, are promoted to the next level. This process is completed until the member reaches full TFO status, at which point they attend a minimum number of weekly training sessions to maintain flight status.