
Airmageddon is a British-Canadian children's technological game show that aired on CBBC from 20 February to 18 December 2016 and is hosted by Will Best and Rachel Stringer. The show involves teams of children using radio-controlled drones. The show was also the first outing of successful child actor Rohith Manikonda.


Airmageddon follows a similar format to the Gauntlet/Trial/Arena format of the first and second series of Robot Wars. The show followed eight heats, two semi-finals and a grand final.

Resident drones

Air Marshall

The referee of the Airena, he announces the start of a challenge and makes sure that things are kept in order.

P.I.G. (Personalised Interactive Gyrocopter)

A pig-shaped drone who demonstrates how each challenge is done. He'll also oversee challenges if the Air Marshall is out of action.

G.U.A.R.D. (Giant Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance Drone)

A large drone built for defensive purposes and is mentioned to not be the smartest.

D.R.A.GON (Direct Response Aerial Gyrocopter)

A prototype dragon-shaped drone who, true to his namesake, is armed with a flamethrower.

W.A.SP (Weaponised Assault Ship)

A wasp-shaped drone armed with a spark gun stinger.

B.U.G.s (Basic Unmanned Gyrocopter)

A trio of bug-shaped drones introduced for the second series to serve as distractive obstacles in the second round.


Round 1

Airsault Course
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Round 2

The Drop
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Barrage Balloons
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Paintball Precision
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Wall Buster (Semi-finals)
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Bubble Burst (Grand final)
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Bottle Bash
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Balloon Cutters
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Round 3

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