Aki Sora is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masahiro Itosugi. It was first published in September 2007 by Akita Shoten. It started serialization in the ninth volume and was concluded in Volume 25 of Akita Shoten's seinenmanga magazine Champion Red Ichigo. An OVA adaptation by Hoods Entertainment was released with the third volume of the manga on December 17, 2008. A second OVA adaptation, called Aki Sora ~Yume no Naka~ was released by Pony Canyon in two parts; the first part released on July 30, 2009, and the second part released on November 17, 2009. In April 2010, Masahiro Itosugi announced that there will be no more printings of Volumes 1 and 3 due to Bill 156.
Ever since he was a young child, Sora Aoi had always exchanged words of "I love you" with his attractive older sister Aki. Now, as he comes of age, he finds it much harder to exchange such comforts as they did in those simpler times. When Aki demonstrates her feelings toward him to go beyond a sister's love, Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister. Realizing their affection for one another, they consummate their love in secret. In a society that would never understand, they must now keep their love a secret from their family and everyone they know. However, Sora soon finds himself exploring many forms of love with different kinds of women he met that is not accepted by society thus questioning his feelings for his sister.
Aoi family
;Sora Aoi ;Aki Aoi ;Nami Aoi ;Aoi family mother ;Aoi family mother ;Aoi family father
;Kana Sumiya ;Runa Satsuki ;Natsumi Nosaka ;Alice Himekawa ;Yuna Asana
;Hitomi Tomozaki ;Miharu Mihara ;Ria Sumiya
The Aki Sora manga, written and drawn by Masahiro Itosugi, was serialized in Akita Shoten's Champion Red Ichigo magazine between September 5, 2008 and April 5, 2011. The individual chapters are collected and released by Akita Shoten in six bound volumes between December 19, 2008 and May 20, 2011. The first and third volumes were no longer printed following July 2011 due to the Tokyo Youth Development Ordinance bill due to its depictions of incest.
There are two OVA adaptations of Aki Sora, both produced by Hoods Entertainment, with Takeo Takahashi as director and storyboarder, Jukki Hanada as scriptwriter and Kazuya Kuroda as character designer and chief animation director. The first OVA was released with the third volume of the manga on December 18, 2009. A second OVA adaptation, titled Aki Sora ~Yume no Naka~ was released by Pony Canyon in two parts and features a different voice cast from the first OVA. The first part was released on July 30, 2010 and the second part was released on November 17, 2010. Pony Canyon released a Blu-ray of both OVAs on September 19, 2013. The ending theme for this OVA is "Thx!" by Mai Kotouge. Media Blasters has licensed the second OVA under its Kitty imprint.
Episode list
Chris Beveridge commends the OVA for "good character designs, some good eroticism". He further comments, "While we get a fair bit of upper body nudity, there’s no genitalia involved for those that are looking for that aspect of it... it’s not hiding the sex, but it’s also straddling the line in a way to try to appeal to more people while not going all hardcore."