Akutsu Rapid Attack Fortress

In shogi, Akutsu Rapid Attack Fortress is a Double Fortress opening.
This style of Fortress was named after professional player Chikara Akutsu who has used this strategy with good results.
Akutsu Rapid Attack Fortress is typically used by White. It is characterized by White keeping their bishop diagonal open so that the central file pawns may be exchanged.
Following the pawn exchange on the fifth file with the bishop, the goal of White is to build a good position with their right silver advanced to the 54 square, so as to later start the fight on the sixth file with a pawn push. The bishop on the 55 square can be pulled back on White's right side to the 73 square or returned its starting square on 22. Depending on Black's response, the goal mentioned above is often rejected and there's a shift to a slow game.