
Abū Abdullāh Badr ad-Dīn Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Bahādir az-Zarkashī, better known as Az-Zarkashī, was a fourteenth century Islamic scholar. He primarily resided in Mamluk-era Cairo. He specialized in the fields of law, hadith, history and Shafi'i legal jurisprudence. He left behind thirty compendia, but the majority of these are lost to modern researchers and only the titles are known. One of his most famous works that has survived is al-Burhan fee 'Uloom al-Qur'an, a manual of the Qur'anic sciences.


Az-Zarkashī studied hadīth in Damascus with Imād al-Dīn Ibn Kathir, fiqh and usūl in Aleppo with Shihāb ud-Dīn Al-Adhra`I, and Quran and fiqh in Cairo with the head of the Shafi’i school in Cairo at the time, Jamāl al-Dīn al-Asnawi.


His notable students included Shamsuddīn al-Barmaid and Najmuddin bin Haji ad-Dimasyqi.
