Al Ahrar (weekly)

Al Ahrar was an Arabic weekly newspaper published in Egypt from 1977 to 2013.

History and profile

Al Ahrar was the official media outlet of the Liberal Party. It was established during the Sadat era in 1977 and was based in Cairo.
It was one of the highest circulation papers in the country owned by a political party. It was one of the major opposition publications in Egypt and was one of the major critics of Bahá'í Egyptians.
The weekly had a liberal political leaning and its 2005 circulation was 5,000 copies.
In 2013, Al Ahrar ceased publication.


In September 1997 when pro-Islamic biweekly Al Shaab was banned by the government Al Ahrar run a page for it in its third page. In December 2012, Al Ahrar along with others went on strike for one day to protest the draft constitution presented by the Egyptian government.