Alain Gresh

Alain Gresh is a French journalist and former editor of Le Monde Diplomatique.


Alain Gresh was raised in Cairo. His biological father Henri Curiel, was born to an Italian-Jewish family and later became an Egyptian citizen. He was exiled from Egypt in 1950 because of his communist and national liberation activities. He continued these in Paris, where he settled and attended the University of Paris. Gresh moved to Paris in his teens to study Mathematics and Arabic. He continued studying the Near East in college, and wrote his PhD dissertation on the Palestinian Liberation Organization. He has written extensively on Islam and the Arab world.
He was editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, and retired at end of 2015. By a collaborative arrangement, The Nation, a magazine published in the United States, and Le Monde Diplomatique jointly publish some articles monthly, in print and online.
He is a co-founder and publications director of Orient XXI, an online publication based in Paris, and regularly contributes articles to it. This independent media was founded by a group of journalists, academics, former diplomats and activists interested in the Levant.
According to journalist Robert Fisk of the UK' The Independent, Gresh is "the best commentator on the Middle East , whose work in Le Monde diplomatique is – or should be – essential reading for all politicians, generals, 'intelligence officers', torturers, and every Arab in the entire region."


In English:
In French: