Alan Watt (author)

Alan Watt is a Canadian author, comedian, actor, lecturer, and screenwriter.


He has appeared on various comedy shows such as Caroline's Comedy Hour and MTV's 1/2 Hour Comedy Hour, as well the Seinfeld episode The Gum in 1995.
He has taught a summer creative writing workshop at UCLA and has lectured across North America at places such as USC's MBA program and maximum security prisons. In 2002 he founded the L.A. Writers' Lab, where he teaches writers how to write the first draft of their novel in three months.
In 2011 he founded two publishing companies, The 90-Day Novel Press and Writers Tribe Books. His novel Diamond Dogs was optioned by Quad Films in 2012, with Alex Pettyfer set to perform as the lead character.
In 2016 he wrote and directed the feature film Interior Night,. starring Riley Smith, Micah Hauptman, Erinn Hayes, and Christian Scherer. It was released to Amazon and iTunes on 30 January 2018.
The next year would see the release of Watt's second novel, Frontier Hotel, released by Latte in France.,.

