Albert Calmes
Albert Calmes, born 26 February 1881 in Paris and died 22 September 1967 in Luxembourg city, was a Luxembourgish economist and historian.
He was one of the first people to return to Luxembourg with a doctorate in economics. Previously he had taught at universities in Germany and Switzerland. He became a director of ARBED and received the title Ministre plénipotentiaire honoraire.
While teaching at Frankfurt University he was commissioned by the League of Nations to investigate the financial situation in the recently founded Principality of Albania. His report was published in 1922.
As a historian, he dealt primarily with the history of Luxembourg in the 19th century.
He was the father of Christian Calmes.Works
- Histoire contemporaine du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg in 5 volumes:
- * Vol. I - Naissance et débuts du Grand-Duché ; Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1971 ; 569 pages
- * Vol. II - Le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg dans la Révolution belge ; Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1982 ; 423 pages
- * Vol. III - La restauration de Guillaume Ier, roi des Pays-Bas - L'ère Hassenpflug ; Brussels and Luxembourg, 1947; 424 pages
- * Vol. IV - La création d'un État ; Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1983 ; 473 pages
- * Vol. V - La Révolution de 1848 au Luxembourg; Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1982 ; 301 pages
Christian Calmes later continued this series with four volumes. He also wrote a Vol. 12. Volumes 6 and 9 were never written.
- Au fil de l'histoire :
- * Vol. I - Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1968 ; 286 pages
- * Vol. II - Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1988 ; 305 pages
- * Vol. III - Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1972 ; 273 pages
- Das Geldsystem des Grossherzogtums Luxemburg; Leipzig, 1907.
- La comptabilité industrielle, Payot, Paris, 1922.
- Der Zollanschluss des Grossherzogtums Luxemburg an Deutschland; 2 volumes, Luxembourg, Joseph Beffort, 1919 :
- * Vol. I - Der Eintritt Luxemburgs in den Deutschen Zollverein ;
- * Vol. II - Die Fortdauer des Anschlusses und seine Lösung .
Rue Albert Calmes in Luxembourg city is named after him.Honours