Alda Teodorani

Alda Teodorani is an Italian writer. She has been defined as the "queen of Italian dark". The director Dario Argento has said "Alda Teodorani's stories are like my deepest nightmares." She made her debut in 1990 with the publication of Non hai capito in the Nero Italiano 27 racconti metropolitani anthology.


Teodorani was born in Lugo.
In 1991 she founded "Gruppo 13" a group of authors of thrillers and noir stories with Loriano Macchiavelli and Carlo Lucarelli. In the same year she moved to Rome where with Fabio Giovannini and Antonio Tentori she founded the Neor-noir movement which theorises a narrative from the individual standpoint of the assassin. In 1997 one of her stories was included in the Gioventù Cannibale collection published in Italian, French and Spanish. It became a literary sensation and the start of the Italian "Cannibal-pulp" movement.
In 2002 Teodorani published a book in France unreleased in Italy, Belve-Cruatés, with Editions Naturellement which was then included in the group of books in competition for the Prix Rosny-Aîné.
Published the following year in Italy with the title Belve, the book was the subject of two degree theses and a presentation at the annual conference of the American Association for Italian Studies, and at the Canadian Society for Italian Studies in 2017 at the Ohio State University with the title Through the eyes of the beast: From Local Environmental Dystopia to Transnational Utopia by Danila Cannamela from the University of St Thomas.
Teodorani has also contributed to the creation and is a member of the scientific committee of the RomaNoir congress organised by the department of philological, linguistic and literary studies of La Sapienza university in Rome. In 2005 she held a seminary about her writing at the university of Wurzburg in Germany.
Some of her stories have been adapted for a DVD called Appuntamenti Letali containing short and medium length films published by Filmhorror com.
In 2008 the author published I sacramenti del male with Giallo Mondadori and collaborated with the experimental electronic music band Le forbici di Manitù. This collaboration gave rise in 2010 to a CD including a novella by Teodorani, L'Isola, which in 2011 was released in France by Les éditions de l'Antre.
At the start of 2016 Teodorani published a non-genre book with Stampa Alternativa set in Emilia-Romagna during the seventies called Gramsci in cenere, which in May 2016 won the award for the best book of its kind from the "Premio Bancarella nelle scuole".