Aletha Solter

Aletha Jauch Solter is a Swiss/American developmental psychologist who studied with Jean Piaget in Switzerland before earning a PhD in psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her specialist areas are attachment, psychological trauma, and non-punitive discipline.
What differentiates her work is that it combines attachment parenting principles with an understanding of the impact of stress and trauma, and thus her work is apparently able to help families who are struggling with sleep, discipline, and emotional health issues that other approaches have been unable to resolve.
Her first book The Aware Baby has sold over 150,000 copies worldwide. Subsequent publications are Cooperative and Connected, Tears and Tantrums, Raising Drug-Free Kids, and Attachment Play.
In 1990 she founded The Aware Parenting Institute, an international organization with certified instructors in many countries. She has led workshops for parents and professionals in 17 countries.

Published books

Aletha Solter has written five books on parenting, which have been translated into many languages.