Alex Leslie

Alex Leslie is a Canadian writer, who won the Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBT writers from the Writers Trust of Canada in 2015.
Leslie's third book, a collection of short stories, We All Need to Eat, was published by BookThug in Fall 2018.
Leslie's debut short story collection People Who Disappear was published in 2012, and was a shortlisted nominee for the Lambda Literary Award for Debut Fiction and the ReLit Award for Short Stories in 2013. Leslie's prose poetry collection, The Things I Heard About You, was published in 2014 and was a finalist for the Robert Kroetsch Award. Leslie's collection, Vancouver for Beginners, is forthcoming from BookThug.
Leslie also won a National Magazine Award for "Pre-History", a piece published by the literary magazine Prairie Fire, and a CBC Literary Award for the short story "Preservation".
Leslie's writing has also appeared in the anthologies Journey Prize 2016, Best Canadian Poetry in English 2014, Best Canadian Stories 2009, 09: Coming Attractions, The Enpipe Line and Friend. Follow. Text. #stories from living online, and in the magazine Plenitude.
Leslie's heritage is Ashkenazi Jewish and British.