Alex Moscovitch

Alex Moscovitch was a French politician and analyst. He was also an associate and companion of General Charles de Gaulle.
After the Russian Civil War the Moscovitch family emigrated to France. In 1931, Moscovitch's parents returned to Kiev, where his father was executed in 1935. Moscovitch was then serving in the French Armed Forces, so he stayed in France.


Alex Moscovitch joins the Free French Forces as of 3 July 1940, then participates on campaigns of Africa, France and Germany.

City Councillor of Paris

From 1947 to 1966, Alex Moscovitch was a city councilor of Paris.

The Algerian War

During the debate in the municipal council of Paris, on the Paris massacre of 1961, Alex Moscovitch makes a remark that will be reproached to him. Anne Chemin in Le Monde, of 17 October 2011, writes: "Le 27 octobre 1961, Claude Bourdet, directeur du magazine France Observateur demande -en vain - une commission d'enquête du conseil municipal de Paris. "Ce qu'il nous faut, c'est très simple et très clair: l'autorisation et suffisamment de bateaux, répond le conseiller Alex Moscovitch. Le problème qui consisterait à faire couler ces bateaux ne relève pas, hélas, du conseil municipal de Paris."

Important dates in life and work