Alexander-Martin Sardina

Alexander-Martin Sardina is a German historian of education, business consultant, and former member of parliament for the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Sardina holds dual citizenship and is also an Italian national.


Sardina was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany. His father moved from Sicily, Italy, to Germany in the 1960s, his mother is from Hamburg. Sardina went to the notable secondary school Sankt-Ansgar-Schule, at that time run by the Society of Jesus, an order of the Catholic Church. In 1990, he was an exchange student at the Loyola High School, Los Angeles, California. He graduated from the Sankt-Ansgar-Schule with receiving the Abitur in 1994.
He then studied pedagogy, American studies, and political science at the University of Hamburg. Research stays led him to the United States, China, Macau, and Hong Kong. In 1999, Sardina worked as a teacher intern at the Los Angeles Central High School, Hollywood. He completed his studies with obtaining a Staatsexamen in 2002. His state exam thesis deals with the contradicting educational concepts during the period of national socialism in Germany focussed on the National Political Institutes of Education. In 2016, he became a Doctor of Philosophy ' for examining the history of teaching English and all other foreign languages taught in the Soviet occupation zone ' and East Germany from 1945 to 1989. His dissertation is based both on the analysis of official documents and contributions made by contemporary witnesses.
Sardina works as a lecturer, translator, and consultant, mainly in Berlin, Germany.

Political career

Sardina joined the CDU, Germany's leading conservative party, in 1994. His first public office was being a member of the board of the ministry of education ' in Hamburg from 1997 to 2002. Subsequently, as a result of the general state elections of 2001, he became a member of the board of the ministry of environment and health '. From 2001 to 2004, Sardina was the party secretary of the parliamentary group of the CDU in the regional assembly of the district of Hamburg-Mitte. After the 2004 general elections, his party held the majority of seats and thus he became chairman of the regional assembly.
From 2005 to 2008, Sardina was a member of the Hamburg Parliament, the Hamburgische Bürgerschaft. As an MP, he was a member of the committees for European affairs and for petitions as well as for the parliamentary investigation committee on the prison for juvenile delinquents located in Feuerbachstraße in the Barmbek district. He was a deputy member of the committees for budget affairs, for cultural affairs, and for urban development and planning. Sardina also served as the spokesman of the CDU fraction for Asian affairs. He additionally was a member of the board of directors of the "Asien-Brücke", a Senate-run charity foundation for the benefit of Asian states with the main focus on development aid to Sri Lanka.
Sardina was the first MP who had an electoral district office. It was open to the local public and located in a former Colonial goods store in the Horn district. First mayor Ole von Beust opened the location with a reception on 12 January 2006.


Sardina joined the European Movement in 1994. He used to be a member and chairman of the Young European Federalists and was made their honorary member in 2009. As a former MP, he is also a member of the German Parliamentary Society, Berlin.

Publications (monographies)