Alexander Lou

Alexander Lo is a former taekwondo champion from Taiwan. Alexander worked on many films during the 1980s about Ninjas, such as The Ninja Hunter, The Super Ninja, Ninja vs. Shaolin, Ninja Condors 13, and Mafia vs. Ninja. He also worked on Shaolin films such as Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu and the famous Shaolin vs. Lama. The director who Lo most frequently worked with is Robert Tai, who in 1984 directed him in a nine-hour epic titled Ninja: The Final Duel, where they either fought together as a black/Asian duo, or faced up against each other as arch enemies.
In 2015, the movie The Virus of Melissa Wu was casting there as Captain Lee.
thru whom will fighting against Brenda it was released in 2015 filmed by Sigrid Andrea Bernardo and Godfrey Ho.
this film produced from Dreamscape Entertainment Television and Central Motion Pictures Corporation in Taiwan.