Alexandra Solnado

Alexandra de Alvarenga Solnado is a Portuguese writer, who has published several books about spirituality. She has also worked as an actress and singer. Currently she is the director of the project Therapy for the Soul.


Alexandra Solnado is the daughter of Raul Solnado and Joselita Alvarenga. She has a daughter, Joana and a son, Gabriel. She has lived in Portugal and Brasil.
As an actress, she participated in the movies Há Petróleo no Beato and Lisboa, Tejo e Tudo.
Around the year 2000, Alexandra Solnado went through an extremely distressful ordeal with her daughter's serious and unexplained illness. At one point Alexandra thought her daughter had died. Alexandra suffered a radical inner change. Her daughter survived, but from that moment onwards, Alexandra began studying karmic astrology and she began giving her therapies on Spiritual Cleansing and Connection to the Higher Self. Alexandra Solnado claimed she saw Jesus Christ in her meditations for the first time in 2002. According to her Jesus then started to dictate his messages and teachings to her on a regular basis and she published them in her books.
Her major bestseller “The Book of Light” has won two second places at the “14th Annual International Latino Book Awards”, and it is published in Spain, Latin America, Canada and Japan. Alexandra Solnado, the author of several bestsellers, has recently published her first novel “Haven´t Seen You in a Thousand Years”, a love story of past lives.
Currently, she is the director of the project Therapy for the Soul, which includes several therapists, giving courses on personal spiritual development and a series of spiritual therapies.

Published books

A Entrega, Editorial Angelorum, 2003

Translated title: Deliverance
A Lógica do Céu e a Lógica da Terra, Editorial Angelorum, 2004

Translated title: The Logic of Heaven vs The Logic of The Earth
O Eu Superior e Outras Lições de Vida, “Editorial Angelorum, 2004

Translated title: My Higher Self and Other Lessons on Life
Era da Liberdade, Pergaminho, 2005

Translated title: The Age of Freedom
A Minha Limpeza Espiritual, Pergaminho, 2005

Translated title: My Spiritual Cleansing
A Alma Iluminada, Pergaminho, 2006

Translated title: The Enlightened Soul
O Livro da Luz, Pergaminho, 2007

Translated title: The Book of Light, Atria Books, 2011
CD Luz, Pergaminho, 2008

Translated title: CD Light
Voo Sensitivo, A História de Um Mergulho Espiritual, Pergaminho, 2010

Translated title: Sensitive Flight, The Story of a Spiritual Diving
Bom Karma – O Melhor das Vidas, Pergaminho, 2012

Translated title: Good KarmaThe Best of Lives
Há Mil Anos Que Não Te Via, Pergaminho, 2014

Translated title: Haven't Seen You in a Thousand Years