Alfarelos train crash

The Alfarelos train crash occurred on 21 January 2013 at the
Alfarelos station, in the Portuguese Northern Line. Two trains
crashed, after passing the same signal at danger, wounding 25 people
and halting the Northern Line for three days.


On the day of the accident, services were operating as usual in the
Northern Line.
At 19:30, an InterCity train left Lisbon Santa Apolónia towards Porto Campanhã.
About half an hour later, at 19:55, a train left Entroncamento, away from Santa Apolónia, making the
regional service towards Coimbra, where it was scheduled to arrive at 21:51.
Both trains were expected to meet at around 21:17 in Alfarelos, where the InterCity would overtake the regional.


The inquiry commission led by CP and REFER collected information about the events that led to the collision. According to their report,
shortly before arriving at Alfarelos, the regional train encountered a
caution signal, meaning that it would find a red signal
at Alfarelos. As the driver slowed down the train, so that it would stop before the red signal, it started slipping
on the rails.
locomotive was pulling the InterCity train involved in the crash, and suffered heavy damage.
The driver was not able to stop the train on time. before the signal, with the train
travelling at, CONVEL triggered the emergency
brakes. This was not enough to stop the train which passed the signal at danger at a speed of
and stopped after the
Following the rules for this type of incident, the driver
contacted the REFER Lisbon Operational Command Center,
awaiting instructions on how to proceed. The train could either be
told to go back to the signal, or to continue ahead.
At the same time, the InterCity train passed through the same caution
signal at, and faced similar
problems. After braking for, the train speed was
still, which prompted the driver to use the
sander. This train was also unable to stop on
time, and passed the signal at danger with a speed of
, moment at which CONVEL triggered the
emergency brakes. Shortly after, at 21:15, this train collided with
the regional train, at, destroying the last car and damaging other two.


Despite the collision and the destruction, which included graphic
photos of a rail car torn apart, with the InterCity going through it
"like it were a tunnel", there were no fatalities: the three last cars, which suffered most of the damage, had no passengers. The driver of the InterCity locomotive survived by getting down on the floor.
The regional train would normally be one multiple unit with three
cars, but, on the night of the accident, this
train had two multiple units, 2257 and 2294, comprising six cars.
In the aftermath of the accident, the track was not used for several
days, as works were in progress to remove the debris and to repair the infrastructure, and authorities
carried on investigations.
A preliminary inquiry found no explanation for the accident,
but ruled out human error from the drivers, and malfunctions in the
signaling system. According to the inquiry, on both cases, the brakes were
applied in a way that would have stopped the trains before the red
signal under normal operating conditions.
The inquiry commission concluded that there was lack of adhesion
between the wheels and the rails. The commission suggested a speed
limitation of in the accident area.