Algerian nuthatch

The Algerian nuthatch is a small passerine bird which is the only bird species endemic to Algeria, where it is also the only nuthatch. It was first discovered on October 5, 1975, at the Djebel Babor in the Petite Kabylie range in northern Algeria, by a team led by a young Belgian agronomist Jean-Pierre Ledant.
The Algerian nuthatch is a resident bird of five areas of mountain forest in northeast Algeria, with the fifth breeding site just discovered in spring 2018. Its range is limited by the availability of woodland, and it occurs only above 1,000m, with the population density increasing with altitude.
It feeds on insects and seeds, and seeds are also stored in food caches.
It has the ability, like other nuthatches, to climb down trees, unlike species such as woodpeckers which can only go upwards, but does not flycatch.
The Algerian nuthatch is 13.5 cm long, slightly smaller than the Eurasian nuthatch, and has the typical nuthatch big head, short tail and powerful bill and feet. It is blue-grey above, and buff below. The male has a black crown and eyestripe separated by a white supercilium. The female has a grey crown and eyestripe. Young birds are duller versions of the adults.
This territorial species nests in holes, usually in old Atlas cedar, Algerian fir or oaks, either self-excavated or old woodpecker nests. The nest is located between 5 and 15 m above the ground.
The Algerian nuthatch has a kna call and a fluted quair-di, quair-di, quair-di, quair-di, quair-di, song.
This bird is officially endangered as it is restricted to just five breeding sites. The population is less than 2,000 pairs; the main threats are fire, grazing, tree-felling and infrastructure development, which destroy the habitat.