Ali Khan (activist)

Ali Khan is a citizen of Pakistan, and a permanent resident of the United States.
One of his sons, Majid Khan, was held in extrajudicial detention, in secret interrogation centers, run by the CIA, for four years.
On September 6, 2006 his son Majid was transferred to military custody in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba.
Ali Khan released an affidavit alleging torture inflicted on his son by US counterterrorism interrogators, and on other individuals.

Life in Maryland

Khan brought his family to Maryland, where some of his children, including Majid, attended American schools.
Some of his children, including Majid, returned to Pakistan, when they became adults.

Majid and Mohammed's capture

His sons, Majid and Mohammed, and Mohammed's wife and infant child, were captured in Pakistan on March 5, 2003.
Mohammed, his wife, his child, were released after a month. Majid had been threatened with transfer to Guantanamo Bay. When Mohammed was released the Khans lost all contact with Majid, and didn't know where he was, or if he was still alive, until President Bush announced that Majid had been transferred to Guantanamo together with 13 men suspected of being the most senior members of al Qaeda to be in US custody.

Ali Khan's affidavit

Ali Khan's affidavit contains new allegations. According to Ali Khan: