Alieu Kosiah

Alieu Kosiah is a former commander of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy faction, a rebel group that participated in the First Liberian Civil War which fought against the National Patriotic Front of Liberia, led by Charles Taylor. After the war, Kosiah moved to Switzerland, where he obtained permanent residence.


On 10 November 2014, Swiss authorities arrested Kosiah in connection with accusations that he was involved in mass killings in parts of Liberia’s Lofa County from 1993 to 1995. Criminal complaints were filed against him by several Liberian victims, represented by Alain Werner, Director of the Swiss NGO Civitas Maxima. Kosiah was accused of ordering civilian massacres, rapes, and other atrocities in northern Liberia during the nation’s First Civil War.


On 22 March 2019, after five years of criminal investigation, the Swiss Office of the Attorney General indicted Kosiah for war crimes, after hearing testimony from over 25 witnesses and victims.


Kosiah was charged on several counts, including having ordered, committed, or participated in the murder of civilians and soldiers hors de combat, having desecrated the corpse of a civilian, having raped a civilian, having ordered the cruel treatment of civilians, having recruited and used a child soldier, having ordered several pillages, and having ordered and/or participated in the forced transport of goods and ammunition by civilians.
On 31 October 2019, the Swiss Federal Criminal Court listed the criminal case against Alieu Kosiah for trial in Bellinzona, commencing on 14 April and concluding on 30 April 2020. This will be the first time an ULIMO member will be tried for war crimes, and the first time the FCC will hold a war crimes trial. In March 2020, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, and the increasing measures being imposed by the Swiss authorities in response to the pandemic, the FCC has announced that the trial of Alieu Kosiah, former ULIMO commander, is postponed and should be rescheduled June and July 2020.