All Is Forgiven (TV series)
All is Forgiven is an American sitcom television series created by Howard Gewirtz and Ian Praiser, that aired on NBC from March 20 until June 12, 1986 with the premiere episode being repeated as a "special presentation" on August 23, 1986. Bess Armstrong starred in the series as Paula Russell.Premise
Paula Russell is the producer of a soap opera called All is Forgiven who just married a donut executive with a teenage daughter.Cast
- Bess Armstrong as Paula Russell
- Terence Knox as Matt Russell
- Carol Kane as Nicolette Bingham
- Shawnee Smith as Sonia Russell
- Valerie Landsburg as Lorraine Elder
- Judith-Marie Bergan as Cecile Porter-Lindsey
- David Alan Grier as Oliver Royce
- Bill Wiley as Wendell Branch
- Debi Richter as Sherry Levy
The series was shown in repeats on the A&E cable network through 1988 and HA! TV Comedy Network two years later.Episodes