Alpha (Lombard)

Alpha is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Pascal Renard, illustrated by Youri Jigounov and published by Le Lombard in French and Cinebook in English.



  1. L'échange
  2. Clan Bogdanov
  3. Le salaire des loups
  4. La liste
  5. Sanctions
  6. L'émissaire
  7. Snow White, 30 secondes!
  8. Jeux de puissants
  9. Scala
  10. Mensonges
  11. Fucking patriot
  12. Petit tour avec Malcolm
  13. Le syndrome de Maracamba


Since July 2008, Cinebook Ltd has been publishing Alpha. Four albums have been released so far:
  1. The Exchange
  2. Wolves' Wages
  3. The List
  4. Sanctions