Alternative versions of Batman

The following is a list of alternative versions of Batman from all media types, including the DC Comics multiverse, Elseworlds comics, television, and film.


Canon depictions

The DC Multiverse consists of worlds outside DC's main continuity allowing writers the creative freedom to explore alternative versions of characters and their histories without contradicting and/or permanently altering the official continuity.
In the 2017 ' event, it is revealed that a Dark Multiverse exists alongside the main DC Multiverse. Each reality in the Dark Multiverse is negative and transient reflection of its existing counterpart, which were intended to be acquired by a third figure in the 'trinity' of the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor, who would feed these timelines to his 'dragon', Barbatos. However, this balance came to an end when Barbatos escaped his bonds and allowed the rejected timelines to remain in some form of existence. Eventually, Barbatos is released onto the DC universe when Batman is treated with five unique metals, turning him into a portal to the Dark Multiverse, with this portal also allowing Barbatos to summon an army of evil alternate Batmen known as the Dark Knights, led by a God-like Batman, who describe themselves as having been created based on Batman's dark imaginations of what he could do if he possessed the powers of his colleagues.
These depictions are set outside of the 52 canonical universes in the DC continuity.
Batman and the Justice League make a cameo in the tie-in comic Teen Titans Go #45. He narrates Robin's origin in #47 and views Titans Tower at the end of the story.

Lego Batman