In 1928, Alwin Walther built the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt. It was the first Institute for Applied Mathematics in Germany. The focus of the institute was on the development of electronic arithmetic. Already at the end of the thirties, he set up a computing station in his institute. The computing capacity was unique in Europe at the time. At the computing station two decades before the invention of programming languages, algorithms were tested and used successfully in the processing of problems from industry. In Germany, the beginnings of computer science go back to the Institute for Applied Mathematics of the TH Darmstadt. In 1956, the first programming lectures and internships in Germany were offered at the TH Darmstadt. The Institute for Applied Mathematics contributed to Zuse's Z4 by providing parts and components. In 1951, the development of the digital electronic computing machine "Darmstädter Elektronischer Rechenautomat " in tube technology was started. Around the same time, Walther procured a computer of the highest performance class, an IBM 650, for the TH Darmstadt. The TH Darmstadt was thus the first university in Germany to have a mainframe computer. Due to the reputation that the TH Darmstadt had at the time in computer science research, the first international congress on computer science held in German-speaking countries took place in October 1955 at the TH Darmstadt.
1950: Honorary member of the Association of Friends of the Technische Universität Darmstadt.
1959: Silver Medal of the City of Paris on the occasion of his preparation for a UNESCO Congress for Information Processing
Einführung in die mathematische Behandlung naturwissenschaftlicher Fragen, Springer, Berlin, 1928.
Unterricht und Forschung im Institut für Praktische Mathematik der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, Der mathematische Unterricht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kapitel XVIII, S. 260–274.
From 1997 to 2010, the departments of computer science and mathematics at the Technische Universität Darmstadt awarded an Alwin-Walther-Medal for outstanding achievements, as well as for exceptional research and development work in the fields of computer science or applied mathematics.
Melanie Hanel: Normalität unter Ausnahmebedingungen. Die TH Darmstadt im Nationalsozialismus, Darmstadt 2014.
Technische Universität Darmstadt: Technische Bildung in Darmstadt. Die Entwicklung der Technischen Hochschule 1836–1996, Volume 4, Darmstadt 1998.
Wilhelm Barth: Alwin Walther – Praktische Mathematik und Computer an der THD, in: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Jahrbuch 1978/79, Darmstadt, 1979, S. 29–34.
Alwin Walther: Pionier des Wissenschaftlichen Rechnens, Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium anlässlich des hundertsten Geburtstages, 8. Mai 1998, Darmstadt 1999, published by Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann.
Christa Wolf and Marianne Viefhaus: Verzeichnis der Hochschullehrer der TH Darmstadt, Darmstadt 1977.