America's Most Smartest Model was an Americanreality television show that aired on VH1. The hosts were Ben Stein and Mary Alice Stephenson. The show attempted to find brains behind beauty in a series of challenges, and would grant the winner $100,000, a feature in an upcoming VO5 ad, and the title of America's Most Smartest Model. The winner of the competition was 22 year-old VJ Logan from Grass Valley, California.
''First aired October 7, 2007 Sixteen budding models must convince academic Renaissance man Ben Stein and fashion industry guru Mary Alice Stephenson that they possess brains as well as beauty. But not everyone can spell success or walk and talk their way down a runway! Who will make the callback, and who will be sent packing?
Edge Challenge Winner: Daniel
Callback Challenge Winner: Brett
Eliminated: Victoria, Gaston, Slavco, Jamie
Governor Of Presidents
The models must compete in a smarts-draining game show, where the prizes are clothes and props for a high-fashion photo shoot. The losers have to face the camera completely naked. Later, cultures clash and passions ignite as the models are forced to work in teams of two, and one is shown the door.
Twelve models must eat and exercise to win their way to the next callback. Several models gang up on the loudmouth of the house. Will one of them eat crow or face being purged from the competition?
Special Guest Star: Gilad Janklowicz
Edge Challenge Winners: VJ, Pickel, Brett
Callback Challenge Winner: Brett
Bottom Three: Rachel Myers, Jesse, Mandy Lynn
Eliminated: Mandy Lynn
Night of The Hairy Grizilla Monster
the Science Guy helps the ten remaining models present a science fair. Can they succeed in electrifying the judges or will it blow up in their faces? Nerds may be smart, but can the models turn their pale, hairy teammates into tanned gods for the camera?
Special Guest Star: Bill Nye
Edge Challenge Winners: Daniel, Angela
Callback Challenge Winners: Andre, Rachael Murphy
Bottom Three: Rachel Myers, Lisa, Jesse
Eliminated: Jesse
That's Not How I Like My Pork!
A field trip to a high school science classroom puts the body-conscious models' knowledge of anatomy to the test...literally. And when one model's underhanded tactics during a commercial shoot inflame everyone's tempers, someone gets left out in the cold.
Eight models find themselves boxed into a geometric mess. Fashion designer Santino helps them design and model their own clothing. But tempers flare, alliances form and not everyone makes the cut.
A birthday bash becomes a disaster as the seven models discover they must network with LA's top fashion agents and fashionistas—after they've had one too many! One model has a melt down, but can the others keep their cool?
Six models must think on their feet in a treadmill challenge to win a changing room with a view of the runway. Later, the models navigate an obstacle course—but will a budding romance get in the way?
Edge Challenge Winners: Angela, VJ
Callback Challenge Winner: Angela
Bottom Three: Andre, Brett, Pickel
Eliminated: Pickel
I See Dead People...
One model must go it alone as they pair up to build and race go-karts. Another model makes a secret phone call to give himself an edge on the next challenge: spokes modeling the Jaguar XKR. Will the others call him out on cheating? Who will the judges send home, and who will they send to the finale to become America's Most Smartest Model.
It's the final showdown and only three models are left. The group travels to sunny Palm Springs to compete in a supersized modeling challenge. Only two survive this best of the best challenge and move on to the finals. The remaining competitors are bitter rivals and they will stop at nothing in their battle to become America's Most Smartest Model.
Edge Challenge Winner: Andre
Bottom Two: VJ, Angela
Eliminated: Angela
Never Trust a Rottweiler
''First aired December 17, 2007 The two remaining competitors are bitter rivals who will stop at nothing in their battle to win it all. When it's all said and done, one of them will take home the grand prize of $100,000 and be crowned America's Most Smartest Model.
Runner-Up: Andre
Winner: VJ
Elimination table
Because Rachel was eliminated at the callback challenge in episode 6, no one was eliminated at the elimination ceremony.
Episode 9 featured a double elimination.
In October 2007, Andre Birleanu was charged with sexual misconduct and aggravated harassment due to accusations from a 19-year-old actress, charges which he denied. Almost a year later, after many court appearances, the DA's Office in the Criminal Court of Manhattan dropped all charges on both cases. Birleanu had maintained his innocence the entire time and had said he wanted to take both cases to trial to prove his innocence and counter prosecute for false charges.