American Dairy Association

The American Dairy Association is a registered name owned by Dairy Management Inc., which also owns the names National Dairy Council and U.S. Dairy Export Council. It should not be confused with various state-level and regional 501 organizations with similar names.
The National Dairy Council website offers a collection of educational materials such as dietary guidelines, protein, maintaining a healthy weight, lactose intolerance, and the connection between dairy and sports. They also provide informational kits to health care professionals.
Health benefits of dairy listed on the National Dairy Councils web site include reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure in adults, and bone growth and strength in children and adults. They also include new and evolving research on the ways dairy positively affects people's changes of attaining certain diseases and overall being at a much lower-risk.
Dairy's role in the Hunger Epidemic
The National Dairy Council website also discusses dairy's effect on the hunger epidemic. They explain dairy foods can be a practical and smart solution for the food-insecure. Dairy products overall supply a huge amount of nutrition and a good-quality source of protein all for reasonably cheap cost and easy way to prepare with other foods.
The National Dairy Council partners with the Future of Food, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Feeding America, and the Great American Milk Drive with MilkPEP. They seek to help bring nutritious foods, specifically many dairy products, to American people in need. In all, the hunger epidemic in our country and worldwide is a huge issue. Although milk and dairy products are noted to be an excellent choice for people with low economic status in order to provide them with a cheap form of calcium and numerous forms of nutrients, it doesn't completely rid the epidemic. For people in super low standing, many dairy products especially fresh are not in reach. Additionally, even for families than can afford to include dairy and achieve its health benefits, many cannot afford the high inflated prices that come with having the best versions of dairy such as organic, non-gmo products. The true way to aid in helping this epidemic is to advocate for businesses and large corporations to provide their dairy products for lower prices, increasing its accessibility to more people.