American Dream (TV series)
American Dream is an American drama television series created by Ronald M. Cohen. The series stars George Barrow, Stephen Macht, Karen Carlson, Hans Conried, Michael Hershewe, Timothy Owen Waldrip and Andrea Smith. The series aired on ABC from April 26, 1981, to June 10, 1981.
The series concerned a father who worried that his children were learning bigotry and superficial values in the suburbs. So moved his wife, Donna, and three children to multiracial urban Chicago. There, Donna's father, Sam, moved in.
Although ABC said the show would continue as a 1981-82 midseason replacement, it was pulled from the schedule with two of its initial seven episodes unaired.
The series was developed by Barney Rosenzweig and co-created by Barbara Corday. Both would go on to produce and co-create Cagney & Lacey for CBS the following season.Cast
- George Barrow as Bill Swartz
- Stephen Macht as Danny Novak
- Karen Carlson as Donna Novak
- Hans Conried as Abe Berlowitz
- Michael Hershewe as Todd Novak
- Timothy Owen Waldrip as Casey Novak
- Andrea Smith as Jenny Novak
- John McIntire as Sam Whittier
- John Karlen as Coach Ritter
- Scott Brady as Mr. Becker