Amphibious (film)

Amphibious is a 2010 thriller film directed by Brian Yuzna and written by Yuzna, John Penney, Somtow Sucharitkul and San Fu Maltha. It stars Francis Magee, Janna Fassaert and Michael Paré.


Skyler Shane, a marine biologist, meets Jack Bowman, at a northern Sumatran lake to search for prehistoric samples. During this expedition, they encounter some smugglers who have their headquarters on the lake. Tamal, an orphan who was sold to the smugglers as a slave, begs Skyler to save her. Since the child reminds Skyler of her lost daughter Rebecca, she agrees, not knowing what secret is lurking in the water. Ever since Tamal has been on the lake, strange things have been happening: more and more people disappear and are devoured by a creature from the deep.


This was Yuzna's first film as director since the 2005 film Beneath Still Waters. The film was also the first Dutch 3D production and was filmed in summer 2009 at various locations in Indonesia.


The theatrical release date for the film in the Netherlands was 1 November 2010.