Amud Yomi

Amud Yomi is a daily regimen undertaken to study the Babylonian Talmud one amud each day..


The idea for calendar-based learning of the Talmud began with Daf Yomi in 1923. Many people have found it difficult to keep up with the heavy load of two pages each day. In addition, the pace can be a little fast to delve too deeply into the material. As such, Amud Yomi was created as a way to study the Talmud at a slower pace.


With 2,711 dappim in the Talmud, there are over 5400 amudim. Most programs schedule some days for review or catch up, typically on Saturday and/or Sunday. As such, programs will cover between five and seven amudim a week. Depending on the schedule, the entire Talmud would be completed in this fashion after 15 to 21 years.