Anders Fager

Anders Fager is a Swedish horror writer. After a career as an army officer and game designer he made his debut in 2009 with the short story collection Swedish Cults that received a most favourable review in Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and launched Fager's career as full-time writer. Fager writes modern urban horror in a style he has repeatedly described as ”what would happen if James Ellroy took on H.P. Lovecraft”. Set in present-day Sweden, his interconnected stories form a modern part of the Cthulhu mythos with entities such as Dagon, Hastur and Nyarlathotep making appearances. Fager's fictional world, known as "The Cult's World", has been made into a role playing game and a graphic novel. His stories are currently being worked into the role playing game Call of Cthulhu.
Fager lives in Stockholm. His other works includes role playing games, a children's book and work with TV and film scripts. His novel Kaknäs Last Tape is set in the postapocalyptic world of the role playing game Mutant - Year Zero. Fager has worked with audiobook publisher as well as with White Wolf. He has also written for the swedish role playing game Kult and for Simon Stålenhags Tales from the Loop.
Outside of Sweden, Fager has so far been published in Finland, Italy and France and has been introduced in the British Lovecraftiana magazine Cyäegha.
