Andrea Frediani

Andrea Frediani is an Italian historian and novelist.
Born in Rome, he graduated in Literature and, after the university, he wrote for several youth magazines and, subsequently, for a historical magazines. In 1997 Newton & Compton published his first book, entitled Gli assedi di Roma. His first novel, entitled 300 guerrieri and inspired by the Battle of Thermopylae, was released in 2007. In 2008 he published Jerusalem, a historical novel mixing the events of the First Crusade with the story of a fictional gospel by James, Jesus Christ's brother.
Frediani his also the author of a series of essays concerning the most famous battles of history, such as Le grandi battaglie di Roma antica, Le grandi battaglie di Napoleone and others. His latest novel is Il tiranno di Roma, following the previous year's La dinastia, which retold the secret story of Rome's Julio-Claudian Dynasty.