Andreas Reckwitz

Andreas Reckwitz is a German sociologist and cultural theorist. He is Professor for comparative cultural sociology at the Viadrina European University in Frankfurt. In April 2020 he is transferring to the institute of social sciences at Humboldt University Berlin. Reckwitz is a prominent proponent of social practice theory and contributed significantly to its development as an encompassing social and cultural theory. This foundational theoretical groundwork and vocabulary serves as a basis for his influential works on subjectivation, creativity and singularization of the social. Reckwitz also gained wide attention in the German media public with his 2017 published diagnosis of the present time Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten. Zum Strukturwandel der Moderne which won the Bavarian Book Price. He wrote several articles for the newspaper Die Zeit and appeared as an interview partner on the German national radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur discussing recent socio-cultural and political trends and issues in western societies. In 2019 Reckwitz was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Price of the German Research Foundation.

Selected publications

As editor