Andreas Werckmeister

Andreas Werckmeister was a German organist, music theorist, and composer of the Baroque era. He was amongst the earliest advocates of equal temperament, and through this advocacy was highly influential to the harmonic basis underlying all of Western music.


Born in Benneckenstein, Werckmeister attended schools in Nordhausen and Quedlinburg. He received his musical training from his uncles Heinrich Christian Werckmeister and Heinrich Victor Werckmeister. In 1664 he became an organist in Hasselfelde; ten years later in Elbingerode; and in 1696 of the Martinskirche in Halberstadt.

Musical compositions

Of his compositions only a booklet remains: pieces for violin with basso continuo, with the title Musikalische Privatlust.
Also some organ works remains: Canzon in a-minor, Canzona in d-minor, Praeludium ex G, Canzonetta in D-major.

Theoretical works

Werckmeister is best known today as a theorist, in particular through his writings Musicae mathematicae hodegus curiosus... and Musikalische Temperatur, in which he described a system of what we would now refer to as well temperament now known as Werckmeister temperament.
Werckmeister's writings particularly his writings on counterpoint were well known to Johann Sebastian Bach. Werckmeister believed that well-crafted counterpoint, especially invertible counterpoint, was tied to the orderly movements of the planets, reminiscent of Kepler's view in Harmonice Mundi. According to George Buelow, "No other writer of the period regarded music so unequivocally as the end result of God’s work,". Yet in spite of his focus on counterpoint, Werckmeister's work emphasized underlying harmonic principles.

List of works