Anemic domain model

Anemic domain model is the use of a software domain model where the domain objects contain little or no business logic.


This pattern was first described by Martin Fowler, who considers the practice an anti-pattern. He says:
In an anemic domain design, business logic is typically implemented in separate classes which transform the state of the domain objects. Fowler calls such external classes transaction scripts. This pattern is a common approach in Java applications, possibly encouraged by technologies such as early versions of EJB's Entity Beans, as well as in.NET applications following the Three-Layered Services Application architecture where such objects fall into the category of "Business Entities".
Fowler describes the transaction script pattern thus:
In his book "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture", Fowler noted that the transaction script pattern is OK for many simple business applications, and obviates a complex OO-database mapping layer.
Reasons why this may occur
AnemicDomainModel may occur in systems that are influenced from Service-Oriented Architectures, where behaviour does not or tends to not travel.
Architectures like COM+ and Remoting allow behaviour, but increasingly the web has favoured disconnected and stateless architectures.


There is some criticism as to whether this software design pattern should be considered an anti-pattern, since many see also benefits in it, for example:

class Box


class Box