Angelophone Records

Angelophone was an early, short-lived record label from the United States with produced an unusual 7-inch, vertically-cut record.


Angelophone discs were produced in a set of 50, featuring a hymn on one side, and a talk about the hymn on the reverse side. The discs usually have a normal paper label on the hymn side, but, similar to early Edison Diamond Discs, have an etched label on the "Hymn Talk" side. Specimens with other paper labels or etched labels on both sides are known. Credited to a firm named "Angelico", the discs were possibly produced by the Paroquette Record Manufacturing Company. Researches note that both Angelophone Records and Par-o-ket Records were 7-inch, vertically cut discs and that all of the hymn sides were recorded by Henry Burr, a founder of Paroquette. An accompanying hymn book originates from the same year as the records.


Angelophone may have been the first disc record label devoted solely to Anglo-American religious music. An earlier gospel company, Sankey Records made by Ira D. Sankey, had produced only cylinders.