
Aniya is a village and a gram panchayat in Chanditala I community development block of Srirampore subdivision in Hooghly district in the Indian state of West Bengal.


Aniya is located at.

Gram panchayat

Villages in Ainya gram panchayat are: Akuni, Aniya, Bandpur, Banipur, Bara Choughara, Dudhkanra, Ganeshpur, Goplapur, Jiara, Kalyanbati, Mukundapur, Sadpur and Shyamsundarpur.


As per 2011 Census of India Aniya had a total population of 3,281 of which 1,588 were males and 1693 were females. Population below 6 years was 322. The total number of literates in Aniya was 2,477.


Akuni Ichhapasar Rural Hospital at Aniya functions with 30 beds.


and Baruipara railway station are the nearest railway stations.