Annette Jacky Messomo

Annette Jacky Messomo is a Cameroonian/Equatoguinean footballer who plays as a midfielder.


Playing History

Messomo grew up in Cameroon where she fell in love with soccer. She has played football since she was 6 years old, mostly with co-ed teams, due to Cameroon not having an organized structure for women's football. In 2015 she began studying at University of Yaoundé II, pursuing a degree in Business administration.


In 2016, despite being born in Cameroon she began to play for the Equatorial Guinea women's national team.
In September 2018, CAF declared her ineligible to play for Equatorial Guinea because there were allegations of her not being eligible to represent Equatorial Guinea since she was born in Cameroon. The decision was later overruled by the Appeal Board of CAF.