Annette Markham

Annette Markham is an American academic, Professor at RMIT School of Media and Communication, Affiliate Professor of Information Studies at Aarhus University, Denmark, and Affiliate Professor of Digital Ethics at the School of Communication at Loyola University Chicago. She has served as Director of RMIT's . She has served on the executive committee of the Association of Internet Researchers since 2013. She has published research in the area of Internet studies, digital identity, social interaction, innovative qualitative methods for social research, and Internet research ethics.


Markham has authored more than 40 articles since 1995. Her first book, Life Online: Researching real experience in virtual space, was published in 1998, which reviewers called "a definitive sociological study of what it's like to be on the net" and "a bold move in the exponentially increasingly field of internet studies....that allows the reader to appreciate the challenges of applying contemporary ethnographic methods to online populations." In 2009, Markham edited an internet research methods volume entitled "Internet Inquiry: Conversations about method" with Nancy Baym.
Markham has published multiple pieces on Internet research ethics. She is the primary author of the Association of Internet Researchers' official 2012 . The framework of this document uses Markham's earlier published works linking ethics to methods, first in a Norwegian edited volume in 2003 and later in the Journal of Information Ethics. In reviewing ethical frameworks, the Handbook of Internet Studies cites Markham's convincing arguments that "methodological choices inform and are informed by ethical choices."
Markham has written extensively about qualitative methods for internet inquiry and is cited as a key figure and 'recommended reading' in this area in textbooks and handbooks on qualitative research practice.
Markham maintains a blog about a range of conceptual and pragmatic issues related to lived experience in 21st Century contexts of complexity at
