Annika Hernroth-Rothstein

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein is a Swedish pundit. In 2020, she published her first book, Exile - portraits of the Jewish Diaspora.


Hernroth-Rothstein attended Uppsala University and Linnaeus University where she attained a B.A. degree in Media and Communication as well as in Middle Eastern Studies. Between 2013 and 2015, she worked as a political advisor for the Swedish liberal party, Folkpartiet, as part of the conservative political coalition “Alliansen”.

Political activism

She frequently writes on the issues of antisemitism both in Sweden and abroad. In September 2012, Hernroth-Rothstein organized a pro Israel rally of almost 1500 people in the center of Stockholm. In 2013 she drew attention to alleged antisemitism in Sweden and to protest a series of measures in Sweden banning kosher slaughter, ritual circumcision, and possibly even the importation of kosher meat. In August 2013, Hernroth-Rothstein applied for political asylum in her own country of Sweden on the basis of religious persecution.
Her 2017 interview with Tucker Carlson was quoted by Donald Trump.


In 2016, she visited Iran during parliamentary elections. She visited several synagogues in Tehran and Hamedan and reported on the condition of Iranian Jews. She reported that Iranian authorities were aware of her Israeli ties and her political Zionist activities on the visa application but still granted her a visa. During interview with Israel Hayom, she reported that she was invited to the office of Supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, during the elections. She further reported that she was greeted personally by the President Hassan Rouhani several times. She reported her trip in an article entitled "Totalitarian terror in Iran" in The Tower Magazine.


In early 2019, she went to Venezuela, and reported that she was threatened, ransacked and beaten by paramilitary groups loyal to President Nicolás Maduro known as colectivos on 23 February 2019. She interviewed self-declared interim president Juan Guaido. Rothstein returned to Venezuela on 18 April 2019, but she was briefly detained at the airport by the Venezuelan National Guard and was subsequently deported.

Professional life

Hernroth-Rothstein is a contributor for publications such as Mosaic Magazine, Wall St Journal, Jerusalem Post, Tablet, Jewish Review of Books, Washington Examiner, Foreign Policy, Fox News, Aish, Israel Hayom, The Daily Beast, Jewish Chronicle and National Review.
In 2020, Hernroth-Rothstein published Exile: Portraits of the Jewish Diaspora.