Antarctic Micronational Union

The Antarctic Micronational Union is an intermicronational organization that aims to regulate micronational claims in Antarctica. The purpose of the AMU is to protect the claims of its members against other claimants.


The AMU was officially established on December 6, 2008 as the Grupo Del Acuerdo Micronational Antartico by the Kingdom of Finismund, Marie State and the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis. The GAMA was founded as a result of a conflict between Finismund, Marie State and Flandrensis against Jon Lawrence of Westarctica, known as the Great Micronational Antarctic War. This conflict ended on September 24, 2010, when Niels of Flandrensis and Travis McHenry, founder of Westarctica signed the West-Antarctic Treaty and joined the AMU.
After undergoing a number of reforms and periods of inactivity, the AMU was revived to its present state on February 24, 2020. The Administrative-General of the AMU since September 2014 is Yaroslav Mar, the President of Lostisland, re-elected to another term in February 2020.
