Anthony Abell College is a governmentsecondary school in Seria, a town in Belait District, Brunei. It was one of the earliest secondary schools to be established in the country. The school provides five years of general secondary education leading up to O Level qualification. It has 630 students. The current principal is Mas Diana binti Haji Abdul Samat.
The early education began in 1952. Anthony Abell College founded in December 1952 and was known as the "Government English School". The first building was only a scout hut located in Jalan Sultan, Kuala Belait. This building housed 22 students and one teacher who was also the principal, Mr. D.S. Carter. Anthony Abell College is named after His Excellency Sir Foster Anthony Abell, who was a former British colonial official and Governor of Sarawak and the first British High Commissioner in Brunei. In the earlier years, Anthony Abell College was known as " Government English School". In January 1953, the Government English School moved to Sera Town at the current Post Office site with a building of 2 classrooms. In January 1954, the school had its own building located between Jalan Tengah and Lorong 2 Seria accommodating 57 students. In 1958, the School moved to the present building at Jalan Sultan Omar Ali, Seria. The college was officially named on the 18th December 1958 after Sir Foster Anthony Abell. The college has educated many prominent government officials and successful executives. In 2002, the College celebrated its Golden Jubilee Anniversary.
The College provides secondary education from Year 7, aged 11–12 years old to Year 11, aged 15–16 years old. In National Education System for the 21st Century/ Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad 21, generally students will study 5 years, from Year 7 to Year 11 or Express route for 4 years of study i.e. Year 7 to Year 10. All students will follow common curriculum at Year 7 and Year 8. After Year 8, students will be channeled to one of the following: 1. General Secondary Education Programme 2. Applied Secondary Education Programme 3. Special Applied Programme Students will complete the general schooling system or proceed to vocational and technical institutions only after completing Year 10 or Year 11 before sitting for BC GCE 'O' Level, IGCSE, BTEC or other alternative qualification. In Special Applied Programme, the College offered only 2 BTEC courses i.e. Pearson BTEC Hospitality and Pearson BTEC IT Users at up to Level 2. The college also offered Specialised Education Programme which caters for students who are in the following need categories: 1. Visually and auditory impaired 2. Physically challenged 4. Specific learning challenges