Anton Gindely

Anton Gindely was a Bohemian historian, a son of a Hungarian German father and a Czech mother, born in Prague.
He studied in Prague and in Olomouc, and, after travelling extensively in search of historical material, became professor of history at the German Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague and archivist for Bohemia in 1862. He died in Prague.
Gindely's chief work is his Geschichte des dreissigjährigen Krieges, which has been translated into English ; and his historical work is mainly concerned with the period of the Thirty Years' War.
Perhaps the most important of his numerous other works are:
He wrote a history of Gabriel Bethlen in Hungarian, and edited the Monumenta historiae Bohemica. Gindely's posthumous work, Geschichte der Gegenreformation in Böhmen, was edited by T. Tupetz.