Antonio Lo Frasso

Antonio Lo Frasso was a Sardinian poet, writer and soldier. He was the author of Los diez libros de Fortuna de Amor, a work mentioned by Miguel de Cervantes in Don Quixote and edited in London by the lexicographer Pedro Pineda who considered valuable this work for his kindness, elegance and spirit.


What little information we have about his life are those contained in his works, where he calls himself a militar sardo de la ciudad de L'Alguer. He also reported to have been unjustly charged with murder for the love of a young lady from Alghero, for which he was locked up in jail and was later forced to leave Sardinia. Lo Frasso took then refuge in Barcelona between 1565 and 1571.
He published there his first book in 1571, with the title of Los mil y dozientos consejos y avisos discretos sobre los siete grados y estamentos de nuestra humana vida, subsequently published El verdadero discurso de la victoria, focused on his glorious vicissitudes during the Battle of Lepanto.
However, Lo Frasso owes his fame mostly to the pastoral novel in Ottava rima Los diez libros de Fortuna de Amor, supposedly inspired by the works of the Neapolitan writer Jacopo Sannazzaro. He also wrote sonnets and octaves in Sardinian, confirming he got in touch with Gerolamo Araolla and Giovanni Francesco Fara.
