
The Anupitaka is the collected non-canonical or extra-canonical Pāli literature of Buddhism.


The Tipitaka was first committed to writing sometime in the 1st century BC.
The non-canonical or extra-canonical Pāli literature can be regarded as falling into three historical periods. The first period stretches from about the 3rd century BC to about the 5th century AD. The second period extends from the 5th century to the 11th century, and the third period begins with the 12th century.

Classical period

The literature of the first period consists of some classical works of which only a few now survive. To this period belongs:
The Nettipakarana and Petakopadesa are introductions to the teachings of Buddhism. These books present methods of interpretation, means exposition of that which leads to the knowledge of the good law. Petakopadesa is the 'Instruction on the Tipitaka'. The source material derives directly from the Sutta pitaka. Milindapañhã, written in the style of suttas, contains a dialogue between the Indo-Greek king Menander and the Thera Nãgasena, which throws a flood of light on certain important points of Buddhism.
These three books appear in the Khuddaka Nikaya of the Burmese Tipitaka, while the first two appear in the Sinhalese printed edition.