
Aokas is a coastal city and district in the Béjaïa Province in northern Algeria and is located at about 25 kilometres from the province's capital city of Bgayet. The commune of Aokas was created by decree of October 2, 1869. It covered an area of 2,202 hectares and had a population of 2,245 inhabitants in 1931. Its name in berber means shark. Its average altitude is 300 meters.
The population of Aokas was of 15 989 in 2008.


Aokas (transliterated in tifinagh: ⴰⵡⵇⵇⴰⵙ, means shark in berber, is located in the wilaya of Béjaïa, in coastal Kabylia


Apart from the main locality of the commune, the hamlets of Aït Aïssa, Akkar, Mesbah, Tizi Djarmana, Aliouene ou Iaamrounene, Ansa, Tabellout, Tikherroubine, Amerzague, Tala Khaled, Laazib, Tidelsine, Iourarène, Tala Khelifa, Aguemoune, Tarmant I, Tarmant II and El Anseur are located in its confines.


North -> Mediterranean Sea

North-East -> Mediterranean Sea

East -> Souk El Ténine

South-East -> Souk El Ténine and Taskriout

South -> Taskriout

South-West -> Taskriout and Tizi N'Berber

West -> Tizi N'Berber

North-West -> Tichy
