Aphelandra is a genus of about 170 species of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas.
They are evergreen shrubs growing to 1–2 m tall, with opposite, simple leaves 5–30 cm long, often with white veins. The flowers are produced in dense spikes, with brightly coloured bracts.
Several species are grown as houseplants for their patterned leaves and brightly coloured inflorescences.Pharmacological reports on genus Aphelandra are Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity and Immunomodulatory activity.Phytochemistry
Phytochemical reports on genus Aphelandra are Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Isoflavones, Benzoxazinoids-cyclic hydroxamic acid and their corresponding glucosides.Selected species
- Aphelandra albinotata
- Aphelandra anderssonii
- Aphelandra attenuata
- Aphelandra aurantiaca Lindl.
- *Synonyms - Aphelandra fascinator, Aphelandra nitens
- Aphelandra azuayensis
- Aphelandra bahiensis Wassh.
- Aphelandra chamissoniana Nees
- Aphelandra chrysantha
- Aphelandra cinnabarina
- Aphelandra claussenii Wassh.
- Aphelandra colorata Wassh.
- Aphelandra deppeana
- Aphelandra dodsonii
- Aphelandra galba
- Aphelandra guayasii
- Aphelandra gunnari
- Aphelandra harleyi Wassh.
- Aphelandra harlingii
Aphelandra ignea Nees ex SteudelAphelandra lineariloba LeonardAphelandra madrensis LindauAphelandra marginata Nees & MartiusAphelandra maximiliana BenthAphelandra mirabilis RizziniAphelandra neesiana Wassh.Aphelandra nemoralis NeesAphelandra loxensisAphelandra nuda NeesAphelandra obtusa Wassh.Aphelandra obtusifolia Wassh.Aphelandra paulensis Wassh.Aphelandra phainaAphelandra phrynioides LindauAphelandra rigidaAphelandra ruelliaAphelandra sinclairiana Nees - Coral aphelandraAphelandra squarrosa - Zebra plantAphelandra stephanophysaAphelandra sulphureaAphelandra tetragona NeesAphelandra tridentataAphelandra zamorensis''